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Underage DUI Defense Attorney Serving Lawrence, Kansas

Being charged with a DUI as a minor can be a life-altering event. If you or your child has been accused of driving under the influence while under the legal drinking age, the stakes are incredibly high, and the consequences can extend far beyond immediate legal penalties.

As an underage DUI defense attorney in Lawrence, Kansas, I am here to guide you through this challenging time and provide legal counsel tailored to your unique situation. My law firm, Chahine Legal LLC, has been representing clients charged with DUI and DWI in both Kansas and Missouri for nearly 20 years. 

What Is Underage DUI? 

In Kansas, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.02% or higher. Unlike adults, whose legal BAC limit is 0.08%, minors are subjected to a zero-tolerance policy. This means that even a small amount of alcohol can result in a DUI charge for those under 21.

If a minor is arrested for underage DUI, they may be subjected to various legal proceedings and administrative actions that can greatly affect their future. 

Penalties for Underage DUI in Kansas

Many people don’t realize that underage DUI offenses carry severe penalties that can impact a young person’s life for years to come. If convicted of an underage DUI in Kansas, minors could face the following penalties: 

  • Up to 1 year in jail or a youth detention facility 

  • Fines ranging from $500 to $1,000, plus court costs 

  • Mandatory alcohol education or substance abuse programs 

  • Community service requirements 

  • A driver's license suspension of one year 

  • Increased auto insurance premiums 

  • Potential expulsion from school or revocation of scholarships 

Even a first-time underage DUI offense can have an extensive impact, leading to a permanent criminal record which can hinder future educational and employment opportunities. 

How Can a Kansas Underage DUI Defense Attorney Help?

Attempting to manage an underage DUI charge without professional legal assistance can be overwhelming and risky. By hiring an experienced underage DUI defense attorney, you can feel confident that your rights are protected and that you have a competent advocate fighting to minimize the consequences.  

As your lawyer, I strive to: 

  • Provide representation at your arraignment 

  • Advise you on plea options 

  • Help you craft a detailed and robust defense strategy  

  • Represent you in court and negotiate with prosecutors 

  • Work to potentially have your charges reduced or dismissed 

  • Help you navigate post-conviction relief options like expungement

Facing Charges?
Get in Touch 


What should I do if my child is arrested for underage DUI? 

First and foremost, ensure your child's safety and well-being. As soon as possible, contact an experienced underage DUI defense attorney to represent your child. It is crucial not to let your child speak to law enforcement or prosecutors without legal counsel present. 

Can an underage DUI conviction be expunged from my record? 

Yes, it is possible to expunge an underage DUI conviction from your record, but there are specific criteria that must be met. Generally, a period must pass without any further criminal activity, and you may need to complete additional requirements such as community service or alcohol education programs.

Consulting with a defense attorney can help you understand the expungement process and whether you qualify. 

How does an underage DUI differ from an adult DUI? 

An underage DUI in Kansas follows a zero-tolerance policy, where the legal BAC limit is significantly lower (0.02%) compared to adults (0.08%). The penalties are tailored to younger individuals and may include additional measures like mandatory education programs and longer driver’s license suspensions. 

Will an underage DUI affect my college admission? 

Yes, it can potentially affect college admissions. An underage DUI conviction goes on your permanent record, which colleges may review as part of their admissions process. Some institutions might consider this a factor in their decision-making, potentially leading to denial of admission. 

How long will an underage DUI stay on my record? 

An underage DUI conviction remains on your criminal record indefinitely unless you take action to expunge it. The DMV record may reflect the DUI for a shorter period, typically up to 10 years, but its presence on your criminal record can affect various aspects of your life far beyond this period unless expunged. 

Are there any defenses against an underage DUI charge? 

Yes, there are several potential defenses against an underage DUI charge. These can include questioning the legality of the traffic stop, the accuracy of breathalyzer tests, and whether proper procedures were followed during the arrest. An experienced defense attorney can evaluate your case and determine the most effective defense strategy. 

Is it possible to reduce an underage DUI charge to a lesser offense? 

It is possible to negotiate with prosecutors to have an underage DUI charge reduced to a lesser offense, such as reckless driving. However, this depends on the circumstances of the case, including the BAC level, whether it was a first-time offense, and the strength of the prosecution’s evidence.

Your attorney will work to achieve the best possible outcome given the specifics of your case. 

Underage DUI Defense Attorney Serving Lawrence, Kansas 

At Chahine Legal LLC, we understand that young people can make mistakes that don’t define their entire lives. As an underage DUI defense attorney, I am committed to providing compassionate and effective legal representation. I will thoroughly examine your case and work tirelessly to help you develop a strong defense. Schedule a free consultation today to explore your defense options and take the first step toward protecting your future.