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First-Time DUI Defense Attorney in Lawrence, Kansas

For many, getting arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) is their first encounter with the criminal justice system. If this happened to you, you might be worried about your future and unsure what happens next.  

If this is your first DUI and you weren’t involved in an accident and didn’t cause harm to anyone, the consequences won’t be as severe as they would be for a felony DUI or subsequent offense. Nonetheless, even first-time DUI offenders in Kansas are punished quite harshly, which is why you may need an attorney to defend you against the charges.  

As a first-time DUI defense attorney in Lawrence, Kansas, I am here to provide personalized legal counsel tailored to your specific situation. My law firm – Chahine Legal LLC – has been defending clients charged with DUI and DWI in both Kansas and Missouri for nearly 20 years.  

What Is a DUI First Offense?

Kansas law defines a DUI offense as operating a motor vehicle after drinking alcoholic beverages or consuming illegal or prescription drugs that impairs a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely.

A person may also be charged with DUI if their blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher, even if their driving faculties are not impaired. Law enforcement may have probable cause to stop a motorist who is observed showing signs of drunk driving such as: 

  • Weaving in and out of lanes 

  • Driving slower than the speed limit 

  • Driving up curbs or hitting objects 

  • Ignoring or responding slowly to traffic signals 

  • Tailgating 

  • Violating traffic laws 

If a police officer observes driving behaviors that causes them to believe that you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may be pulled over on suspicion of DUI. If the officer confirms that you are intoxicated through questioning, a field sobriety test, a breath test, or visual observations, you may be arrested for DUI. 

Challenge Your Charge

Penalties for First-Time DUI in Kansas

There is a misconception among many drivers that DUI is simply a traffic violation. You just pay a fine and you’re good to go! However, it doesn’t work this way, and the consequences of a DUI conviction can be severe and long-lasting, even if it’s your first offense.  

Under Kansas law, driving under the influence is considered a Class B misdemeanor if it’s your first DUI offense. Kansas does not have a time limit on DUI offenses, which means all your prior convictions are considered regardless of how long ago those convictions occurred. If convicted for your first DUI in Kansas, you may face the following penalties:  

  • Up to six months in jail (the judge has discretion to order 100 hours of community service as an alternative) 

  • A fine that ranges from $750 to $1,000 in addition to court costs 

  • A minimum driver’s license suspension of 30 days 

  • A requirement to drive with an ignition interlock device (IID) for 180 days 

  • Substance abuse assessment 

  • Substance abuse treatment if recommended 

Before legislators changed Kansas state law in 2023, first-time DUI offenders had to serve a mandatory minimum of 48 hours in jail. Additionally, one may experience collateral consequences after a conviction for DUI. These include a damaged reputation, higher auto insurance premiums, loss of career options, and diminished employment opportunities.  

As an experienced first-time DUI defense attorney at Chahine Legal LLC, I strive to minimize these potential penalties and consequences, and I work tirelessly to defend my clients’ rights.

If you work with me, I may be able to help you take advantage of the diversion program that is available to first-time offenders in Kansas. This program helps you avoid criminal prosecution and imprisonment in exchange for your agreement to be supervised for a year and follow specific court-ordered conditions.  

How Can a Kansas First-Time DUI Defense Attorney Help?  

If you think you could deal with a first-time DUI yourself because you want to save on attorney’s fees, you should at least consider the possibility of hiring an attorney. You may change your mind once you learn more about the services that lawyers offer.  

With a criminal defense attorney on your side, you have a far greater chance of getting your first-time DUI charges dismissed or, at the very least, getting off with minimal penalties. When you work with me as your lawyer, I will guide you right from the start.

If you reach out immediately after your arrest, I will represent your interests at your arraignment, which will typically occur within the first few days of your arrest. I will advise you on your plea options and develop the best strategy approach to your defense at the trial. If you are held in custody, I will work diligently to get you released on minimal or no bail. 

First-Time DUI Defense Attorney Serving Lawrence, Kansas 

As a criminal defense attorney, I've learned that anyone can make a mistake. One poor decision can lead to consequences that extend far beyond license suspension and fines. As a first-time DUI defense lawyer at Chahine Legal LLC, I will review the facts of your case and help you develop a strong defense to prepare you for the fight ahead. Do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation today to explore your defense options.